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Program Overview

Europe’s first major event dedicated to advancing corporate adaptation to climate change

Corporate Climate Adaptation

Nov 6     2024, Berlin, Germany


1: CLIMATE REALISM                       9:00 - 12:15

Shift your mind, based on facts about the state of the global climate and its current and foreseeable impacts.

2: ADAPTATION IN PRACTICE       13:15 - 16:15

Learn about latest adaptation startups and companies’ efforts to adapt to climate change, incl. common challenges, pitfalls and promising solutions. Attend interactive workshops to learn from others’ experiences and successful practices.

3: ADVANCING ADAPTABILITY      16:45 - 18:45 

Obtain an overview of key enablers for successful corporate adaptation, covering the realms of governance, strategy, corporate culture, operations, finance and technology. Engage with your peers to build momentum for learning, change and action.

4: Adaptation Club Night                19:00 - ...

Conclude the day with the Adaptation Club Night, incl. the award ceremony for the adaptation start-up pitch competition.

The conference will be preceded by a Speakers’ & Sponsors Dinner on November 5th - Patron Pass holders are invited, too).

Detailed Program 

(subject to change)


Shift your mind, based on facts about the state of the global climate and its current and foreseeable impacts.

9:00 - 12:15  Wednesday, November 6

Virtual livestream available!

09:00 – 10:00


☕  Enjoy coffee, tea & cookies. Meet the adaptation community. 🍪


10:00 – 10:15 


Speakers: The Shift Team | Facilitator: Ina Karabasz (Handelsblatt) 


10:15 – 10:45

Climate crisis: What the data show and what to expect

Speaker: Prof. Stefan Rahmstorf (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research) 


10:45 – 11:15

Readying Ourselves for Climate Collapse: Deep Adaptation 

Speaker: Prof. Jem Bendell, Professor emeritus of the University of Cumbria, Founder of the International Scholars’ Warning on Societal Disruption and Collapse, Author of “Breaking Together”


11:15 – 11:45

Realistic Climate Conversations 

Facilitated participant interaction | Facilitator: Ina Karabasz (Handelsblatt) 


11:45 – 12:15 

Climate Perceptions & Realities (Panel) 

Panelists: Katharina Beck, Member of the German Parliament , Prof. Bendell, Prof. Rahmstorf) | Facilitator: Ina Karabasz (Handelsblatt) 


12:15 to 13:15

🍽️ LUNCH 🍽️


Learn about latest adaptation startups and companies’ efforts to adapt to climate change, incl. common challenges, pitfalls and promising solutions. Attend interactive workshops to learn from others’ experiences and successful practices.

13:15 - 16:00  Wednesday, November 6

Virtual livestream available!

13:15 – 13:30 

Kick-Off: Dimensions of Corporate Adaptation 

Preparatory words before the insight sessions, including the introduction of an adaptation framework to support thinking about different kinds of adaptation efforts. 

Speaker: The Shift Team 

13:30 – 14:15 

Adaptation-Pitch competition 

Approx. 10  adaptation solution providers present their contributions to adaptation challenges. 
Jury (tbd) incl. representatives from World Economic Forum, Media, Insurance ...

14:15 – 16:15



Multiple parallel 60min sessions to take a practical

look at current adaptation efforts. 

Currently planned sessions include: 


  • Tackling New Health Risks - how Global Health need to adapt to climate change | Dr. Jutta Reinhard Rupp, Head of Global Health Institute, Merck (requested) 

  • From strategy to action - Lessons learned from delivering adaptation in companies | James Hubbard, ERM


More to be announced soon.


16:15 – 16:45 



Obtain an overview of key enablers for successful corporate adaptation, covering the realms of governance, strategy, corporate culture, operations, finance and technology. Engage with your peers to build momentum for learning, change and action.

Virtual livestream available!

16:45 - 18:45  Wednesday, November 6

16:45 – 17:00


Connect the dots and build "TheShift" momentum in your organization

Speaker: The Shift Team 

17:00 – 17:30 

Reflections on the State of Adaptation (Panel)

Panelists: Selected hosts from insights workshops meeting adaptation research


17:30 – 17.45

C-Level Leadership for Adaptation 

Speaker: Jenny Kwan, Director for Climate Action & Accountability, World Business Council for Sustainable Development  


17:45 – 18:00

How businesses can work with governments, international organisations and communities to adapt  

Speaker: Eric White, Head of Climate Adaptation, World Economic Forum


18:00 – 18:30

The future of adaptation (Panel)

Panelists: Jenny Kwan (WBCSD), Eric White (WEF), further special guests | Facilitator: Ina Karabasz (Handelsblatt)  


18:30 – 18:45

Wrap-up & Outlook 

Speakers: The Shift Team 


• Adaptation Pitch Award Cerenomy
• Doomster Dance & Drinks Party

19:00 - ? Wednesday, November 6

"Partners & Speakers" Dinner

November 5th 2024, Berlin, Germany

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